All About Biofilms: Ways your bacteria and fungi band together and how to bust them | In this episode of the SIBO Made Simple Podcast, Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum tells us how biofilms work and their relation to SIBO and gut health, various strategies for their eradication, and how small tweaks to your diet can aid in the process. | Feed Me Phoebe #feedmephobe #SIBO #guthealth #biofilms #autoimmunedisease #integrativemedicine

All About Biofilms: Ways your bacteria and fungi band together and how to bust them | In this episode of the SIBO Made Simple Podcast, Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum tells us how biofilms work and their relation to SIBO and gut health, various strategies for their eradication, and how small tweaks to your diet can aid in the process. | Feed Me Phoebe #feedmephobe #SIBO